Our Expertise
LCA Architects has been providing award winning planning and design services to public and private clients around the globe for over 40 years. We pride ourselves on taking a comprehensive approach to whatever challenge is presented, streamlining otherwise complicated processes with our experienced staff of experts. With over 30 employees, we are well qualified to handle a wide variety of projects. Our ability to provide specialists from within our firm in areas such as Cal Green and LEED, commercial interiors and entitlements adds to our strength and helps us be an even greater resource to our clients.
Our wide range of expertise spans decades of planning, design and approval campaigns for both large and small projects. Doing business from the San Francisco Bay Area, we serve clients all over the western United States, Alaska, Idaho, Virginia, Hawaii, Mexico, China, Japan, and Bahrain.
Gold Nugget Awards
- Historical Oriental Warehouse
- Attached Residential Project of the Year – Meridian Bay Apartments
- Merit: 1401 N. Broadway, Walnut Creek, CA
- Best Custom Home over 4,500 SF – Lake Tahoe Residence
- Best Custom Home 5,000 to 7,000 SF – Pauoa Beach Hawaii
- Merit: Best Multi-Family Housing Community. 1716 Lofts, Walnut Creek, CA
- Merit: Best Educational Project. Jonas Center, Novato, CA
Join our team
— Careers
LCA Architects supports the professional development of all of our employees, including the Intern Development Program, mentorship and the pursuit of licensure.
California Board of Architectural Licensing
Please direct all careers inquiries to
Terry Benson | Office Manager
Email: tbenson@lca-architects.com
— Office Culture
Team building events let us express our creativity in a less technical way. Our staff builds camaraderie outside of the office as well.
— Community
- Michael Chavez Center for Economic Opportunity
- Cal Poly Design Village Competition
- Annual Habitat East Bay Executive Build
— LCA University
LCA University is our in-house program that offers AIA continuing education seminars so our staff remains up to date with code changes.
— Building Green
Stewardship of the earth is a matter we’ve taken seriously at LCA Architects since before the phrase “Going Green” was coined.